76 research outputs found

    The implementation on Education about Standardization at Universities:Experiences of University of Surabaya

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    As a university located in town the industrial, commercial, maritime and education, University of Surabaya (UBAYA) is very concerned about the success of the business and industry community, particularly in the city of Surabaya and surrounding areas. One of univeritas mission is to produce graduates who are competent in accordance with the needs of business and industry. Needs of the business and industry community are implementation both of Indonesia National Standard (SNI) or International Standard (ISO). Therefore, graduates UBAYA in the future should be more understanding and have skills related to the standards. This paper addressed about UBAYA experience in implementation on education about standardization starts from the scope UBAYA themselves by implementing the international standards of quality management system ISO 9001:2008, inserting the material of standardizing or content of the standardization into the curriculum or subjects, then together with National Standardization Agency (BSN) and the East Java Province participated promoting standard to schools, colleges, community of business and industry. All these things are done also in order to fulfill one mission UBAYA. The results of the various activities carried out showing good results, it seen from a survey of customer satisfaction, increased demand for training and assistance for the implementation of quality management system ISO 9001:2008 in the industry, some of graduates majoring in industrial engineering has been working in areas relevant to standards such as a internal quality auditor, management consultant and management representative

    A metric for collaborative networks

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    The objective of this paper is to provide a metric that could be used to define success in acollaborative network. Design/methodology/approach - The methodology of this research consists of four stages: Review, Constructing, Testing and Description. Review stage comprised of a critical review of theliterature in order to understand the characteristics of collaborative network organisations and thereasons behind the successes and failures in collaborative networks. Construction stage resulted indevelopment of a metric for collaborative networks. Testing stage tested the model through case studyin a collaborative networks organisation. The outcome of the case study was discussed at thedescription stage to assess usability and usefulness of the metric for participants in turn to generatec onclusions

    Potential Analysis of 3D Printing Products in Surabaya

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    The cost reduction and production time reduction are the benefits of 3D printing in the manufacturing industry, which can be developed in printing casual shoes that meet customer needs. Although 3D Printing promises many benefits, many are still doubtful about its application in Indonesia. To examine the potential use of 3D printing in Indonesia, information was extracted about the knowledge of the Indonesian people about 3D printing machines and asking to potential investors for an assessment of 3D printing in Indonesia. Data collection was done through an online survey. Respondents were selected randomly with a purposive sampling technique. Survey results show that 91% of respondents said they already knew 3D printing machines, they also knew that there were various kinds of 3D printing products and various kinds of raw materials that could be used. Prospective investors will assess 3D printing products by taking into account market convenience, product uniqueness, workshop/shop location and availability of specialized human resources

    Expertise-based ranking of experts: An assessment level approach

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    The quality of a formal decision is influenced by the level of expertise of the decision makers (DMs). The composition of a team of DMs can change when new members join or old members leave, based on their ranking. In order to improve the quality of decisions, this ranking should be based on their demonstrated expertise. This paper proposes using the experts’ expertise levels, in terms of ‘the ability to differentiate consistently’, to determine their ranking, according to the level at which they assess alternatives. The expertise level is expressed using the CWS-Index (Cochran-Weiss-Shanteau), a ratio between Discrimination and Inconsistency. The experts give their evaluations using pairwise comparisons of Fuzzy Preference Relations with an Additive Consistency property. This property can be used to generate estimators, and replaces the repetition needed to obtain the CWS-Index. Finally, a numerical example is discussed to illustrate the model for producing expertise-based ranking of experts

    Integrasi Internal dan Eksternal dalam Network Collaborative Enterprise

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    Persaingan dalam berbagai bidang industri dewasa ini telah memaksa perusahaan untuk lebih meningkatkan kualitas kerjasama internal dan eksternalnya. Salah satu bentuk kerjasama tersebut adalah organisasi baru dalam bentuk jejaring (Network Collaborative Enterprise). Organisasi tersebut sebenarnya merupakan wujud dari integrasi ekternal perusahaan yang mencari peluang untuk meningkatkan benefitnya melalui perbaikan efisiensi dun efektivitas internal. Paper ini menguraikan pengertian integrasi dari berbagai sudut pandang, attribute dalam integrasi dan manfaaf integrasi pada empat jenis network collaborative enterprise


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    Participatory ergonomics dikenal berbasis pada aktivitas kelompok kecil yang akan mengidentifikasi, menganalisis dan memecahkan masalah ergonomi(Smith and Carayon, 1995). Kelompok kecil ini bukan hanva mendiskusikan dan menyuarakan pendapat mereka tentang kelemahan ergonomis peralatan dan produk yang mereka gunakan atau hasilkan tetapi juga saling belajar untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan ergonomi terkait dengan berbagai perubahan di tempat kerja misalnya perubahan teknologi. Perubahan-perubahan tersebut seringkali harus diikuti dengan penambahan ruang, letak, posisi atau bentuk tempat kerja. Penambahan tersebut biasanya diikuti pula dengan penambahan disain tempat kerja. Penambahan disain tempat kerja diharapkan terlaksana dengan partisipasi penuh tenaga kerja sehingga tempat kerja dirancang dengan memperhatikan faktor ergonomi dan faktor lain yang dapat mendukung perbaikan produktivitas tenaga kerja. Salah satu faktor lain yang akan dibahas dalam makalah ini adalah perhatian terhadap kenyamanan batin atau faktor feeling tenaga kerja. Perancangan dengan memperhatikan faktor feeling ini dikenal sebagai kansei engineering. Hasil perancangan dengan metode kansei engineering akan menghasilkan tempat kerja yang nyaman bagi fisik karena sesuai kebutuhan anthropometri tubuh manusia sekaligus memberi kenyamanan hati sehingga efektivitas dan efisiensi tenaga kerja dalam bekerja dapat ditingkatkan karena image yang dirasakan oleh pekerja

    The use of blockchain technology to support Sustainable Supply Chain

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    This paper aims to identify and analyze how the use of blockchains technology can support sustainable supply chain management strategies. This support is seen from environmental, economic and social aspects. The paper explains the various advantages of using Blokchain technology to reduce the use of transportation and other resources that have the potential to damage the environment. From an economic aspect, this technology has the potential to increase cost and time efficiency. Blockchain technology also has the potential to provide social benefits for the companies involved because of the increasingly good reputation of the organization. The paper provides three examples of implementation of the blockchain in three different industries. This paper also explains the potential disadvantages of using this technology for supply chains that can threaten supply chain sustainability


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    ABSTRAK - Perubahan paradigma kefarmasian dari “Drug oriented” menjadi “Patient oriented” menuntut pelayanan kefarmasian atau “Pharmaceutical care” yang bermutu dan mengoptimalkan kualitas hidup dari pelanggan, sehingga menciptakan kepuasan pelanggan. Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui faktorfaktor yang mempengaruhi kepuasan pelanggan di Apotek Ubaya. Penelitian dapat disebutkan sebagai replikasi penelitian sebelumnya oleh Khudair et al., (2011) dengan judul “Measuring patient’s pharmaceutical services at a public hospital in Qatar”, sekaligus modifikasi dengan menambah 3 elemen lean management. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode survey kepada pelanggan Apotek Ubaya dengan jumlah sampel sebesar 185 dihasilkan dari survei langsung dan online. Untuk lebih mendalami hasil survey dilakukan juga wawancara kepada 3 pelanggan yang terdiri dari mahasiswa, karyawan Ubaya dan masyarakat sekitar Apotek Ubaya. Metode pengolahan data menggunakan metode Structural Equation Model yang diolah menggunakan program SmartPLS 3.0. Penelitian menggunakan 3 elemen dari lean management dan 5 dimensi dari kepuasan pelanggan. Temuan dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 3 elemen lean management yaitu customer focus, involvement behaviour dan waste elimination serta 1 dimensi dari kepuasan pelanggan yaitu medication teaching berpengaruh positif terhadap kepuasan pelanggan di Apotek Ubaya. Kata Kunci: Lean management, Kepuasan pelanggan, Pharmaceutical Care, Structural Equation Model, Smart-PLS 3.0. Abstract Pharmaceutical paradigm shift from the "Drug oriented" to "Patient oriented" demanding pharmaceutical services or "Quality Pharmaceutical care" and optimize the quality of life of customers, thereby creating customer satisfaction. The study was conducted to determine the factors that affect customer satisfaction in the pharmacy Ubaya. Research can be described as a replication of previous studies by Khudair et al., (2011) with the title "Measuring patient's pharmaceutical services at a public hospital in Qatar". The research was modified by adding three elements of lean management. conducted using a survey to customers pharmacy Ubaya the number of samples generated from a survey of 185 direct and online.In order to have a dept understandin, interviews with 3 customers were conducted which consisted of students, employees and the surrounding community pharmacies Ubaya. Data processing method using Structural Equation Model that is processed using the program SmartPLS 3.0. Research using the 3 elements of lean management and the 5 dimensions of customer satisfaction. The findings of the study indicate that the three elements of lean management, namely customer focus, involvement and waste elimination behavior and one dimension of customer satisfaction that medication teaching positive effect on customer satisfaction in the pharmacy Ubaya. Keywords: Lean management, Customer satisfaction, Pharmaceutical Care, Structural Equation Model, Smart-PLS 3.0
